Monday, June 15, 2020

Review: Artemis Fowl

Some books should never be adapted into movies.

I know, what a shocking comment right?  Certain books don’t adapt well into movies.  There are multiple examples throughout film history, but it is one of the easiest methods to adapt into film when content writers and creators are struggling for material.

But as Hollywood keeps getting lazier and more desperate over the past twenty years especially, more and more books are getting theatrical adaptations.  So no matter how much we all strive for original material, we are going to keep getting what works from studios that are uninspired.

That being said, maybe if at first you don’t succeed, you should just stop.  That’s the case with some novels that have been in development hell for years.  Take today’s film we shall be discussing for example.  Artemis Fowl has been passed around for at least twenty years prior from studio to studio.  A who’s who of directors have attempted to get this project off the ground from Lawrence Guterman to Jim Sheridan.  But nobody had any idea how to translate this series onto the big screen.  And with two studios taking on this project and going under for different reasons, whether it be bankruptcy or Harvey Weinstein’s studio going under after being revealed to be literal scum of the Earth; it just seemed like Artemis Fowl would never see the light of day.

Enter the biggest film monopoly today, The Walt Disney Corporation.  If any studio can get any project out of development hell, it would be the House of Mouse.  Disney has the advertising, the track record, and most importantly, the finances to make anything become a hit in this day and age.   They got a good director behind this project in Kenneth Branagh.  They got some major names attached to star in Colin Farrell, Josh Gad, and Judi Dench.  And gave this film a $125 million budget, which is absolutely enough for a film adaptation with lots of fantasy elements….

…but then it got pushed back.  Again.  And again.  And again.  For five years, it kept getting pushed back.  And then the pandemic happened.  And now Hollywood is at a standstill.  Not knowing when movie theaters will be safe to open back up to the general public again.  So studios started to send some of their projects straight to streaming services.  Except for Disney.  Disney has been the only studio not eager to send their films straight to streaming.  Mulan, Black Widow, and Soul are still getting pushed back further and further with no real release date in sight.  Then they announced Artemis Fowl was going to get the streaming service treatment about a month ago.  This is a big deal.  Disney is finally caving in.  They are finally realizing the future is now old man.

Or they are just cutting ties with their losses now.  Guys, I’m not going to mince words.  Unless a miracle happens, Artemis Fowl will probably be locked as the worst movie of 2020 for me.  Actually, I’ll go one step further.  Artemis Fowl might be the worst live action Disney family film I’ve ever seen.  That is some pretty big words from the studio that gave us “Meet the Deedles”, the remakes of “That Darn Cat” and “The Shaggy Dog”, and failed theme park rides turned into movies “The Country Bears” and “The Haunted Mansion”.  Nope.  “Artemis Fowl” is the worst of the worst. 

At the very least, all these other movies had a story.  “Artemis Fowl” does not have a cohesive story.  We get the plot early on and the movie takes a hour long detour before any sort of resolution happens.  Instead we get a giant never ending chase for a macguffin that takes twists and turns, but doesn’t tell any sort of investing story.  This film bored me to tears that I had to keep hitting rewind to figure out if I missed any sort of actual information regarding the main story that kept getting ditched.

And the acting.  Nobody tries.  The kids are all bad actors.  Especially Artemis himself.  Those big name stars I mentioned earlier?  Colin Farrell felt like he did his lines in three minutes.  Josh Gad was not utilized well at all.  And between “Cats” and this, I’m wondering if Judi Dench has finally decided to just take roles for the paycheck.  She’s one of the best actresses of all time and needless to say, her film choices of the past year have left me scratching my head.

Also, I refuse to believe Disney spent $125 million dollars on this movie.  The CGI in this is terrible.  This is a butt ugly movie to look at.  Compare this to “Onward”, an animated movie where the CGI was so good that it made me feel like the environment was actually real.  To say this is a downgrade is an understatement.  Disney is the biggest studio monopoly out there and they can honestly say that this is the best CGI they can give this film?  Fuck off.

But most importantly, this film just fails at being an Artemis Fowl adaptation.  As someone who read Artemis Fowl years and years ago, Artemis Fowl is one of the best anti-hero stories I’ve read growing up.  Is that such a hard tale to adapt into a movie?  Because they make this kid out to be just another wiz kid movie along the lines of Spy Kids or the tv series Young Sheldon.  Where this kid is so out of touch with reality…when that’s not what Artemis Fowl was.  It’s like Disney wanted to hammer out any sort of personality from this story and try to give us just another family movie.  And at the end of the day, this was not the adaptation we deserved from this property.

Maybe Disney knew this movie would get bombarded by critics if it got released any later under normal circumstances, so they just gave up and sent it to streaming because critics are starving for more material and can’t wait for movie theater life to go back to normal.  I mean I’m sure as hell ready for some sense of normalcy when it comes to movies being released again.  I’ll take anything I can get at this rate to review.  But as someone who actually enjoyed Artemis Fowl as a kid, this was not the faithful film adaptation I was promised.  This was just a stale lifeless movie that struggles to get to a ninety minute runtime.  This should have been thrown out twenty years ago and just left as is.

Final Grade: F

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