Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Top Ten Worst Hit Songs of 1983

It feels like I’ve been talking about so much negativity with these blog entries as of late.  Whether it be my last two movie reviews being terrible movies, which they are.  Or talking about two of the worst music years I’ve ever covered doing these year-end retrospectives.  And let’s not forget that 2020 is arguably the worst year any of us have ever lived through.  I really need to give myself a break and talk about something positive.  How about one of the best years ever for music?


Aww yeah.  Now this is what I’m talking about.  So much good music that I’m going to drown in it.

I absolutely adore this year.  In all my year-end retrospectives that I’ve done; whether it be previous blogs, other forums, or here; only 2015 comes close to matching the greatness that is 1983.  Hell I could make a Top 50 and still have to make some super painful cuts.  That’s how truly great this year is.

But like I always do, I’m going to start by talking about the bad stuff.  Because let’s face it, isn’t that how it always goes?  Plus I know what gets my blog more views.  How is it that worst lists get like twenty more views than best lists?  I don’t get it.  And speaking of not getting it, how could the general public have so much good taste this year and still let in some fairly bad songs on this year-end?  Just because this is the best year I’ve covered so far doesn’t excuse some of the crap that still got popular.  So let's get this list up where we belong.  We are counting down...



And I’m going to start this list off with asking one simple question.  What in the nine hells were everyone involved with this thinking?

10. “Far From Over” – Frank Stallone

And I’m not just referring to this song.  I’m referring to everything this song was tied with.  Who asked for a sequel to “Saturday Night Fever”?  Why did John Travolta want any part of this?  Who thought Sylvester Stallone could direct?  Why did his brother forge out a singing career?  Why was this the theme for literally one of the worst reviewed sequels of all-time (the rare 0% on Rotten Tomatoes)?

So many baffling questions.  So little time to answer them all.  Although one of them is easy to answer.  John Travolta has never been one to say no to all-time terribly reviewed movies.  He has one of the all-time strangest career arches for an admittedly good actor...ahem...

But this isn’t about Travolta.  This is about the song.  Which is just your run of the mill cheesy empowerment anthems with one exception.  It is coming from an all-time great Hollywood actor’s kid brother who hides the fact he can’t sing with glaringly obvious vocal effects.  I mean I hate to be obvious here, but this is no “Staying Alive”.

I mean hell, do I need to spell out for you all?  That’s an all-time classic that got big due to one of the most iconic movies of the 70s.  I mean it’s so iconic that the song is the name for the movie sequel.  It can’t be any more obvious than that.  I’m not saying this song isn’t the reason the movie got 0%, but the fact that this song isn’t empowering to anybody isn’t helping matters.

And that’s the end of the Saturday Night Fever franchise.  Safe to say we aren’t ever going to get the long awaited third movie “Far From Over”.  Because nobody is asking for that.


Oh boy.  You again.

9.  “You and I” – Eddie Rabbitt & Crystal Gayle

For those of you who didn’t follow me from my forum going days, Eddie Rabbitt made my worst of 1979 list with his shitty jealousy snoozefest “Suspicions”.  Little did I know at the time that Eddie Rabbitt was one of the biggest country-pop crossover artists at the time.  He tried to bring mainstream credibility to the genre along the same lines that Kenny Rogers did before him.  But man this guy is no Kenny Rogers.  If only he had Kenny’s charisma and charm.

And here Eddie is again.  Boring up the charts once more.  This time with some company.  I’m not even going to pretend that I know a damn thing about Crystal Gayle.  I mean this is the most recognized song of hers by Apple Music so clearly this was her biggest hit.  And I couldn’t tell you a damn thing about this other than it is a total snoozer.  You know for a song called “You and I’, I wish these two had some sort of chemistry.  But Eddie’s voice overpowers Crystal’s by a country mile.  And when I can make out what Crystal Gayle sounds like, she sounds awful.

Time to wrap this up before the AARP crowd grab their pitchforks in defense of this.  After all, this was one of the fifteen biggest hits of this year.  How!?


So Wikipedia considers this one of the worst songs of all-time.  Doesn't that say a lot?

8. “True” – Spandau Ballet

I mean I wouldn’t go that far, but I get it.  I absolutely get why.  This song is a load of shlock.  I mean these are some of most inept corny lyrics in a ballad I’ve ever heard.  Let’s count down the top five worst lyrics in this song, shall we?


5. “With a thrill in my head and a pill on my tongue.  Dissolve the nerves that have just begun.”

Okay I get how a pill might help resolve nerves, but a thrill in your head?

4. “Listening to Marvin all night long.  This is the sound of my soul.”

Buddy.  You could only wish your shitty five minute song would come close to sniffing the greatness of Marvin Gaye.

3. “I bought a ticket to the world but now I’ve come back again.”

Okay this might not be number one on this lyric list, but this is the most confusing line in the whole song.  Most logical explanation?  Aliens.

2. “Take your seaside arms and write the next line.”

Or else you’re going to listen to some more inane babbling from this guy.  And what the hell are seaside arms?

1. “Why do I find it hard to write the next line?”

Truer words have never been spoken.  Did they just give up while writing this song?  Because this lyric is mentioned at least three times.   I guess this much is true.


It sure takes some pretty big cahonies to place the lead single from one of the biggest albums of all-time.  But seriously now.  THE DOGGONE GIRL IS MINE!?!?!?

7. “The Girl Is Mine” – Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney

For being two of the biggest artists of all-time, this is what we get from the two of them?  This cheese?  I mean it doesn’t sound bad.  The instrumentals are calm and relaxing.  Michael and Paul both sound good vocally, even though they don’t really have much chemistry.  Not every song on these lists have to sound bad to make it on a worst list.  What makes this song awful in my eyes is that it’s a sterile slog.  Let’s get the obvious comparison out of the way.

This is 1998 smash hit The Boy Is Mine.  My friend Wumbo absolutely hates this song with red hot intensity.  He’s placed it on multiple worst song lists that he has written for as long as I’ve known him.  But if I can be contrarian for a minute, I kind of like it.  Sure I’ve got little to no strong opinion on either Brandy or Monica.  I think they are both bland R&B singers with little to no personality in most of their music I’ve listened to.  But this is the only song I’ve felt like either of them were able to convey strong emotions and personality.  They both list off reasons why each other is not good for this guy they are singing about and you can feel the red hot intensity of this challenge to win the guy over the other.

Meanwhile, you have The Girl Is Mine, where Paul and Michael (two singers with loads of personality) don’t even care to put a valiant fight to try and get the girl.  If anything, this is a G-rated compliment contest where in reality this concept should be a valiant fight to win the heart of this woman.

So yeah, while the rest of this song grades mostly as a C, hell even a C+…the execution alone is a big fat F and deserves to be on here.  DOGGONE!


I hope you guys don’t mind but I’m going to keep this next entry short.

6. “Truly” – Lionel Richie

Why?  Because there is nothing to be said about the music of Lionel Richie.  He may have two to three songs worth salvaging from his discography, but the rest are just absolute utter bores.  When it comes to poster boys of the bad music of the 1980’s, Lionel Richie is one of the most recognizable to me.  His songs are just so dull and lacking any sort of emotional spark or connection.

What’s there to say about this one that hasn’t been said about “Ballerina Girl”?  Or “Endless Love”?  Or “Say You, Say Me”?  They are all just monotonous trash.  It’s funny that he is now a judge on “American Idol” because the guy with the voice above should not be one to judge vocal talents.  At least he doesn’t sound these levels of bad on his other hits from this year.  

Pitch adjustment couldn't come fast enough.  Next.


5. “Do You Really Want To Hurt Me” – Culture Club

Yes.  Moving on.

4. “Making Love Out of Nothing At All” – Air Supply

Oh dear god.  Another one.  How many times do I have to spell out how boring most of this list is?  At least the bottom three are more interesting levels of bad to make up for the rest of these uneventful slogs.

I guess I should rewind a bit and go back to number five.  I don’t think Culture Club are the worst.  The band who gave us “Karma Chameleon” are nowhere close to being on my shit list.  But this is definitely Boy George at his most whiny and insufferable.  I could play this song and the three dogs I have next door would probably get riled up due to how reedy and inexplicably awful his voice is on this.

And speaking of awful voices, then there is Air Supply.  Who I think are one of the worst acts from this time period.  And this is arguably their biggest hit.  An incredibly poor man’s version of a Meat Loaf song.  No seriously.  This is written and produced by Jim Steinman, who often worked with Meat Loaf.  I bet you anything Meat Loaf threw this song directly into the trash and Air Supply lead singer Russell Hitchcock picked it up and immediately thought he could salvage this.  And boy did he make nothing out of nothing at all.

Okay now that I got that out of the way, let’s move on to the more stimulating terrible songs on this list.  Before everyone reading falls asleep.


So before I made the move to my blog, one of the projects I did on another site was talking about the best and worst hit songs of the decade based off Billboard’s decade end list.  I never finished the best hit songs of the decade list due to burnout from taking on so many other projects before I switched mediums and inspired to get recognized for my writing outside of regular forums. 

But one of my biggest hot takes for my best list would have been that “Shake It Off” was one of my favorite hits of the decade.  And I know a lot of people who hate that song, but I’ve always admired it. Taylor has the charisma and personality to make it work for me.  It’s also fun and insanely catchy.
So with that being said, I understand why so many people find it obnoxious.  That forcefully upbeat energy, that rap breakdown, and that cheerleader chant.  I actually like all of that, but I get it.  It’s why I can’t stand this song that “Shake It Off” has always reminded me of.

3. “Mickey” – Toni Basil

Annoying.  Absolutely annoying.  But I’ll be damned if it doesn’t stick with you.  The moment you hear this song, it just doesn’t leave your head.  There are ear worms and then there are ear piranhas like “Mickey”.  Like I can actively feel this song taking over my mind while writing this entry.  And you know what, that’s fine.  But this song isn’t remotely good.

There’s a reason why the music video is more memorable than the song.  Because everyone involved, especially Toni Basil herself, are working so hard on it.  You know what fine.  It’s a good video.  But that doesn’t make up for a song that has no reason to be considered a song.  That cheerleader chant is the song.  Because nobody remembers the rest of it due to Toni Basil not being a remotely good singer and production work that sounds grade school levels of competent at best.

I’m all for cheerleading, but not at these levels of obnoxious and plasticity.  2, 4, 6, 8.  Who do I not appreciate?  MICKEY!  MICKEY!  BOO MICKEY!


Ladies and gentlemen.  I present to you one of the gold standards of so bad, that it’s good.

2. “Mr. Roboto” – Styx

I’m not going to mince words here.  “Mr. Roboto” absolutely deserves to be this low on this list.  For as much as I admire how off the walls insane the entire “Kilroy Was Here” era of Styx was.  Seriously.  I admire how dedicated they were to stick with this stupid of a concept album.  To the point that this album broke up the band.  This song is just infuriating levels of terrible.  But let’s get the so bad, it’s good part out of the way.  This chorus is amazing.

What the hell does it even mean?

You got that right Blades of Glory.  I’ve tried and tried to figure out why this chorus entertains the hell out of me, but I’ve given into the madness.  It’s glorious 80s cheese at its finest.
But pushing the chorus aside, what the hell does any of this shit even mean?

You're wondering who I am (secret secret I've got a secret)
Machine or mannequin (secret secret I've got a secret)
With parts made in Japan (secret secret I've got a secret)
I am the modern man

I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM
So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised
I'm just a man who needed someone, and somewhere to hide

To keep me alive, just keep me alive
Somewhere to hide, to keep me alive

What the hell does any of this even mean?  It doesn’t make a god damn lick of sense.  Apparently you have to read the extensive liner notes to truly get this confusing as fuck song, but why in the hell would I have to read an overlonged explanation when you can just tell me yourself in your music.  This is the worst way to go about your hilariously stupid concept album.  Just EX-PLAIN!
At the end of the day, this disaster of the song truly deserves to be on this list.  But I’ll be damned if it doesn’t amuse the shit out of me every time I listen to it.


In a year where the music of 1983 was so great, it truly pains me to say this but my number one song is one of the worst songs I’ve ever covered on any of my year-end retrospectives.  And I’ve done at least 20 of these by now.  It’s at least top five worst songs I’ve ever done so far and even in comparison to the rest of this list, those were all at least two’s or three’s out of ten; while this is a big fat zero…hell maybe a negative one.  So why not waste any more time?  My number one worst song of 1983 is…

1. “Puttin on the Ritz” – Taco

So why this?  Why is this basically one of the worst songs of all time in my opinion? Well first, a little backstory.

This is Fred Astaire for those of you who don’t know.  One of the most multi-talented entertainers of all-time.  He can do it all.  He can sing, he can act, and he can dance.  The guy was just impressive all around.  In the video above is one of his most iconic songs “Puttin’ On The Ritz”.  The original was from “Young Frankenstein”, but Fred Astaire made the song his own by putting his own spin to it.  Now the song itself is fine, but it’s the dancing that stuck with me the most.  It’s just a timeless classic that really sticks with me when it comes to my memories of Fred Astaire’s work. 

It would take something truly tasteless to ruin any sort of memory of this like, oh I don’t know….how about a ton of shitty synthesizers all over the fucking song to try and modernize it?  The mixing on this song is fucking atrocious.  That’s one thing I hated about this decade and parts of the 90’s too.  Too many modernized shitty covers of some timeless classics.  And while I’ll eventually get to other infuriating covers, it will be hard pressed to top this one as the worst example I’ve seen thus far.
It’s not like Taco does anything to add to his own spin to it.  It’s the same lethargic drone throughout five minutes.  It doesn’t ever get any interesting.  Taco is basically a non presence.  He does nothing to add any sort of spin to it.  Not a single good second worth salvaging.  Not even the tap dancing solo.  It’s like its high stepping all over Fred Astaire’s grave.

….then there is the music video.  Where it also moves at a lethargic pace, but that’s not the worst part.  Do I even need to point out what pisses me off about this?  Blackface!  Gratuitous amounts of it.  Blackface backup dancers and singers all over the place.  HOW RACIALLY INSENSITIVE CAN YOU FUCKING BE!?!!?  Is this a throwback to 1940s entertainment?  Is this to make the video memorable?  Why the fuck for this?  Who in the hell thought this was a good idea?  It’s 2020.  We don’t need this shit.  We don’t need unnecessary covers.  We don’t need classic entertainers turning in their grave.  And we absolutely don’t need racially insensitive music videos. 

If you’re blue and you don’t know what to listen to, listen to something else other than this.  Fuck Puttin’ on the Ritz.


Best list is in the works.  Might take my time on it more so than usual to truly explain how awesome this year was.  Thanks for reading everyone.  Take care!

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