Friday, November 12, 2021

Blog Update: Til The End of 2021

 Hey y'all.  Long time, right?  I'm using this post to give an update as to what I've got in store for this blog after taking the month of October off.  Sorry for no updates for almost two months, but between vacation, a labor shortage at my current job, and dealing with some personal health problems, I gave myself a bit of a break from writing.  But now, I'm back and ready to share what I have planned for this blog for the rest of the year.


I'm planning on doing at least one more BMR entry.  Mostly to share some much needed thoughts on some of the films I've watched for the last few months.  Its not going to include every film, just some that I've been wanting to add my thoughts on.

I also plan to post the Top Ten Best Christmas Films list to follow up last year's Top Ten Worst Christmas Films list.  Have I mentioned how much I love Christmas?

And finally, my long awaited Top Ten Best Films of 2011 has been delayed until after 2021 List Season.  Sorry to disappoint some of you.  I know which films are in my top ten, but its more along the point of writers block as to how to best describe some of the movies that I love as much as I do.  I make these lists to be entertaining to my readers and I want to provide a quality reading experience for you all.


Speaking of delays, the exact same goes for my Best Hit Songs of 2009...possibly.  I've made more of a dent on that project in recent times.  It's just a matter of will I be able to finish it before the end of the month.  Because once December rolls around, all my focus goes into 2021 and Christmas.  That's just how it goes.  So if I get around to sharing the Best of 2009 before the year wraps up, great.  If not, sorry for the further delay.


Yep you read that right.  I'm going to be challenging myself further by talking about television.  After all, we are in a golden age for television viewing due to all the streaming options we have at our disposal.  But how am I going to critique it you might ask?  What I'm going to do is talk about recent binges of shows that I've watched or maybe I might have some thoughts about some of my favorite shows.  How I'll incorporate TV reviews into this blog is a work in progress but stay on the lookout for that.

List Season:

It's almost that time of the year, so here's how it's going to roll.

Music will of course be the first on my to do.  It is easier and more accessible to talk about the year when Billboard publishes their year end list earlier and earlier.  And since that is the criteria I go by for my lists, that's why I always manage to get these out first (despite how flawed their tracking system is, but I digress).

Movies I'll keep my traditional goal format.  January for the Worst of the Year.  And then my Best of the Year will be before the Oscars.  Those are always the toughest to make due to me wanting to catch so many of the award contenders.  With last year especially being difficult due to the uncertainty of so many of the awards circuits.  And because so many early 2021 films like Judas and the Black Messiah not coming out until after 2020 for the awards, it'll make for a more interesting best and worst list this year since my criteria is it had to be released within the year I'm reviewing.

And I know what you're asking.  Will I do a television list since I'm now including this on my blog?  That is to be determined.  If I don't end up doing an actual list, the least I'll do is do a television wrap-up for the year 2021 briefly going over some of the best shows I've watched this year.

And that's what you all should be on the lookout for the rest of the year.  Sorry again for the unannounced time off, but sometimes you just got to do what's best for you.  So until next time, stay safe and see you all on the next post.

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